Getting Started
Welcome to BapCaster! We are thrilled to have you as a member church of the BapCaster platform! During this time, we understand that it may be overwhelming to get set up, but we are here to help! This article is made to help you get started with the basics. Such as getting your account set up, managing your organization, and uploading messages.
Your First Login
When we set up your account, we will provide you with a username as well as a randomly generated secure password. From there, it is up to you to choose the password of your choice. This can be done from the dashboard. Click the drop-down below to learn how to reset your password.
Click Here to Learn How to Change your Password.
Step 1 – Log in to the Dashboard
First, log in to the BapCaster dashboard by visiting After that, select “Login” in the website footer.

Step 2 – Log in with the provided default credentials
After you have reached the login screen, insert the username and password provided to you. The credentials will be sent to your application email from (Your manager account will be created with the application email.) If you do not see the email from us, please check your spam/junk folder.

Step 3 – Select the “Reset your Password” option on the dashboard
Welcome to the dashboard! This is where you will manage your organization and user account. The main interest of this section is to update your password. Select the “Reset your Password” link under the “What would you like to do?” block.

Step 4 – Fill out your new password
Insert your new password into the “New Password” text box.

Step 5 – You’re Done!
You’re all finished! Next time you log in, you will need to use your username in conjunction with your new password.
Getting familiar with your Dashboard
Now that you’re logged in, it’s time to get familiar with the dashboard. There are multiple functions available as of the pre-release, including: “Manage organization”, “Add a message”, “Edit a message”, and “Reset your password.” (Access controls and user access management will be added at release.)
During the account creation process, we add your address, pastor, color/branding, website, and church name for you (to make your life more convenient.) However, it is best to review this information to ensure that we have your info correct. You can do this by selecting “Manage your Organization.”

The “Manage Organization” page displays all your church data, please review it. If there’s something wrong, simply update it and select “Update Organization” at the bottom. If everything looks good, select “Back to Dashboard” above the update button.

If your organization doesn’t already have a logo in the BapCaster service, please contact to have your logo added to your Organization. This will replace the BapCaster logo with your church’s logo when visiting your organization site. Review the image below for an example:

Getting Support
In the event that you need support, you will need to have a your support number available. We use it to verify that you have access to your organization (to keep fraud requests away.) We also request other information, but we use this as an additional measure. It is important to never give your support number to anyone, besides BapCaster ( or
Never, under any circumstance, provide your password to anyone! BapCaster WILL NEVER ask you for your password. If you are ever asked for your password by somebody claiming to be with us, cut contact (or hang up) immediately. This is impersonation.
You can find your Support Number on the dashboard:

In conclusion…
We’re so thrilled to have you on the BapCaster platform! If you ever need help, please contact us. We’d be happy to support you! We hope you enjoy using the The Ultimate Church Sermon Solution.