Church Message Sharing. Safe and Simple.
At BapCaster, we make delivering your messages easy and safe. By hosting your messages on BapCaster, you don’t have to worry about being censored for sharing the Gospel.
Why Choose Us
Church message storage. Made Easy.
We store and organize all your messages for you as you upload them to BapCaster. All you have to do is sign in and upload your message.
Log in and update your church with ease.
With the in-house designed BapCaster dashboard system, we’ve made logging in and managing your church easier than ever.
Strong, friendly support that’s free for everyone.
At BapCaster, your church is our #1 priority. We’re here to help you get what you need to make using BapCaster fast, easy, and hassle-free.
A look at the numbers.
Here to help when you need us.
At BapCaster, we’re here to help you when you need it most. Whether that’s getting your church on board, helping with setting up your unique church page, or publishing your messages to BapCaster. We have everything you need to help your church be successful.