Application Form

Welcome to the BapCaster application form. You must complete this application if you would like to host your messages on the BapCaster service. This way we can accurately add your organization to the BapCaster Stream service. Completing this application does not guarantee you access to the BapCaster platform. An organization check will be completed on your church before granting you access to the service. If you’d like to expedite the checking process, please consider doing the following:

  • Provide a link to your organization’s Facebook page or a YouTube channel so we can review some of your church messages.
  • Provide endorsements in Section C that are on BapCaster to streamline the onboarding process. If you have been specifically invited/endorsed by a BapCaster Staff Member (such as Joshua King), please provide the endorser in the corresponding question in Section C.

Section A – User Information

The information in Section A is about YOU (the individual filling out this form.) If your organization is added to the platform, the user information will be used to create the tenant owner (this can be changed later if necessary.) For the email, please provide the email you would like to use for logging into your BapCaster profile. This email doesn’t have to be (and shouldn’t be) your organization’s main email. An email cannot be used for more than one user.

Section B – Organization Information

At this point, you will begin filling out information about your organization. The information entered here will be used to create your tenant, so please ensure that the information you enter is accurate.

Please provide a link to one of your church’s social media sites or a place where we can listen to some of your church messages. This is not required but makes the approval process more straightforward.

If your pastor/organization leader is frequently called something else, you can insert it below.

Section C – Additional Information/Questions

The following information is optional to fill out but may be used to speed up the processing phase. Additionally, we use this information for business decisions and business analysis.

Below, you will be asked questions about endorsement. If you have any BapCaster-approved endorsers (any organization that is on BapCaster), we may be able to expedite the approval process after verifying that the organization endorsed you.

If given a choice, would you prefer to listen to audio messages or watch video messages?

Section D – Finalization

You’re almost there! Simply acknowledge the Privacy Policy and Statement of Faith

Before checking this box, please ensure that you read the Privacy Policy and Statement of Faith

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